In the early 2000’s I made a series of dioramas based on the Star Wars films. They were created to use in a shot for shot remake of the films made with my daughter when she was very young. Most of them are made of foamcore. They are a bit rudimentary by my standards today, but they were a key part of my making for years.
Since 2000 Jamie Follis (Sillof) has gained renown for his unique & innovative combinations of characters into different eras, genres, and themes. These redesigns are intended to serve as commentaries on the various influences and timeless archetypes of pop culture.
DISCLAIMER: All original designs and creations are copyrighted by Sillof LLC. Any characters and related materials are trademark, copyright, and/or registered trademarks of their respective license holders and/or owners.T his site is not endorsed by any of the companies owning the trademarks of characters seen here, or their affiliates and parent companies. The work is fan art and part of an ongoing educational investigation and commentary of the universality of archetypes and themes in pop culture.