As a kid growing up role-playing I would toil away for hours drawing up all my various characters. I would star at the pages of my Marvel Universe comics for reference of muscular bodies in standing poses. I honestly think that is where my passion for character design started. Eventually I began to paint miniature figures of my characters. A few years ago I decided I wanted to to take a crack at capturing my favorite heroes from over the years in all their mighty glory that I saw in my imagination as a kid. This gallery shows some of my favorite attempts.
Sanujuro Moonblade the Eladrin Samurai
Varis Loreweaver the Half-Elf Human Bard
Torrin the Dragonborn Paladin
Varis the Human Bard/Fighter
Wnymaka the Half-elf Sorceror
This is a later more leveled up version of the character above along with the characters played by my sister and brother-in-law.
Soldeleo, The Human Warlock
Joven the Halfling Bard who magic comes from his joke telling (often bad)
Furnis the Warforged Warlock and his pet dragon Pyre
Winter the Elf Wizard – one of my characters from the 90’s
Rowan Than the Human Alchemist (a class I created based on bard stats)
Kimo the Human Monk/Cleric – also one of faves I played int the 90’s
Finstram Swiftfellow the Swashbuckling Hex Rogue
Duro Cragfist the Dwarf Monk
Dakota Northwind the Human Ranger- also one of faves I played int the 90’s
Angus the Warforged Hybrid (a 4e option)
Silas Runeforge the Dwarf Cleric
Achemenos the Deva Warlord
Helsin the Halfling Rogue
Silas the Steadfast a human Knight
This is not one of my creations it is an updating of the classic LJN figure of Warduke.