A great new addition to the Diorama Workshop at Celebration Anaheim were the Master Classes. Attendees could sign up each day for one of 12 spots. Frank Diorio ran the advanced diorama technique class and I ran the customizing.
The classes were generously sponsored by the good folks at Aves & Sculpey. We used their products during the classes, each attendee got a sample and I gave away prizes of large containers to a few people at each class.
To me, this class was the highlight of the con. I loved taking some time, sitting down with fellow fans, and teaching them how to do this fun and creative hobby. I truly loved watching parents and kids work together. I reminded me of my late father who use to make Star Wars replica props with me. I loved the generational timelessness of Star Wars. By the end of the show over 250 people walked away with a one of kind creation, some fun memories, and some quality family time.
Here are some of the proud attendees and their new creations that they did in less than hour (and half of that was instruction)
I would like to give a special thanks to Lucasfilm/Mary Franklin, Frank Diorio, all the people who donated parts, and the great fans who attended the workshop.